Come join us

there's a place for you

  • C+C Back to School Bonfire

    September 5 | Sun-Yi House | 7:00-8:30 pm

    Families who are part of Canvas + Clay are invited to end the summer by gathering around the bonfire. We wish to share out vision for next school year and highlight big accomplishments over the past school year. Snacks and S'mores will be provided. 

    We ask that you bring a lawn chair and S'mores sticks if you have them. By the way, if you have a friend or family member who has a teenager going into middle school or high school in the upcoming year, please invite them! We would love to introduce ourselves and share how they can get plugged in to our ministry.

    Check the Canvas + Clay weekly email for other information. If you are joining us for the first time email

  • Run for your life 5K

    September 7 | Bradley Lake Park in Puyallup | 10am

    This 5k Run/Walk is no ordinary race, but an event where every step has a purpose. Come out to walk or run in memory of someone you have lost to addiction or in celebration of someone who has overcome a hurt, habit, or hang-up. It is a race to acknowledge the many forms of addiction and to offer hope to individuals, families, and the community.

    All proceeds from this event will go to Calvary Celebrate Recovery and other coordinated ministries.

    Run for your Life 5K

  • Worship auditions

    September 14 | Puget Sound Foursquare | 9:00am-12:30pm

    Worship team is a place for musicians and vocalists with a heart for worship and for leading others into God's presence. If you feel like you are ready to audition sign up!

    Audition Sign UP

  • men's breakfast

    September 21 | Puget Sound Foursquare | 8:30-11:30am

    Men, the food is good, but the company is greater! Join us on Saturday, September 21, at 8:30 am for a catered breakfast and a time of encouragement from a special guest speaker Mike Herscowitz. Tickets cost $10 per individual. Make sure to invite a friend or two or even three because there is always room at the table.

    Childcare is available for kids grade 5 and under!

    Men's Breakfast


mark your calendars for these events coming up

October: Missions Month

October 3: Worship Night

October 6: Next-Gen Christmas Program Auditions

October 6: Young Adults Bible Study

November 3: Daylight Savings Time Ends

November 3: Young Adults Bible Study

November 24: Young Adult Friends-giving

November 28: Thanksgiving